Links to Our Neighbours
I am building a list of websites from Manitoba that are connected in some way to our farm; if you have suggestions or would like your site to be linked to ours, please email me via the Contact Us form at the Front Porch!
South Eastman Transition Initiative - a group of local visionaries who promote sustainable lifestyles; they organize several educational workshops per year and are a networking resource for those interested in alternative energy technologies. I'd love to attend more SETI functions, but with a young family and an irregular schedule it's tough to make it out, but when I do it's always a great time with this fascinating group of thinkers and doers.
Farmers' Markets Association of Manitoba - everyone should check out their local farmers' markets - better food at better prices and better for your environment!
South Eastman Transition Initiative - a group of local visionaries who promote sustainable lifestyles; they organize several educational workshops per year and are a networking resource for those interested in alternative energy technologies. I'd love to attend more SETI functions, but with a young family and an irregular schedule it's tough to make it out, but when I do it's always a great time with this fascinating group of thinkers and doers.
Farmers' Markets Association of Manitoba - everyone should check out their local farmers' markets - better food at better prices and better for your environment!